Ilya Sutskever started a new AI company called SSI

Ilya Sutskever started a new AI company called SSI
Image Source: GenigearsBy Wed, 19 Jun 2024 17:40:40 GMT

Ilya Sutskever is a famous AI researcher and Co-founder of OpenAI, a few months ago in OpenAI drama Ilya voted to fire Sam Altman, Sam was returned in a few days and Ilya disappeared for months, On May 15 Ilya announced that he is leaving OpenAI company

Today Ilya announced on X that he has started a new company called Safe Superintelligence Ince (SSI), aiming to create a safe, powerful artificial intelligence system within a research organization.

SSI is based in Palo Alto and it has offices in Tel Aviv. Ilya wants to compete with AI startups and continue his AI research passion without distraction. "world’s first straight-shot SSI lab, with one goal and one product: a safe superintelligence." SSI posted on X