Famous musician Sir Elton John is now working on two musicals

Famous musician Sir Elton John is now working on two musicals
Image Source: googleBy Fri, 15 Mar 2024 15:10:10 GMT

Famous musician Sir Elton John is now working on two musicals: "The Devil Wears Prada" and "Tammy Faye." This information was first published by Christina Harrold on March 14, 2024. The 76-year-old British composer isn't letting a knee problem stop him from pursuing his creative goals. At the 32nd annual Oscars viewing party for the Elton John AIDS Foundation, David Furnish, his spouse, gave some insights into their creative goals. Regarding the prospect of a third musical endeavour, Furnish stressed the value of creativity and excitement in their work. But they realize they have to put their current obligations first because they are too busy running the Broadway production of "Tammy Faye" and the forthcoming UK premiere of "The Devil Wears Prada." gave a health update on Sir Elton John, reassuring that in spite of his knee injury, he is strong and getting ready for another knee operation, proving his undying commitment to his profession.